Rockland ME – On May 18, a gorgeous spring evening, the Midcoast Peace and Justice Group sponsored a showing of FIX IT Healthcare at the Tipping Point at the First Universalist Church.  About 50 people attended and participated in lively discussion with 3 panel members–Pinny Beebe-Center, State Representative, Rockland/ Owls Head, Jonathan Fulford, small business owner and Maine AllCare Board Member, and Bill Clark, retired physician and leader of MidCoast Chapter, Maine AllCare. Perhaps not surprisingly, no one in the room spoke against the concept of publicly supported, privately delivered comprehensive healthcare for all Mainers–indeed Improved Medicare for All in the USA.  The big and recurrent themes were as follows:

  1. “What can I do to move this idea forward?”
  2. “How could we ever make the change from our profit-driven system to a patient oriented one?”
  3. “Can Maine do this alone?”

The panelists agreed that  the answers were, generally speaking,

  1. “Be active and focused on this issue with friends, organizations and your legislators;”
  2. “Gradually, in a stepwise manner, as soon as we have a go-ahead from legislation–whether through Citizen Initiative or actions by legislators;”
  3. “YES! And, Maine could lead the way (tho’ California and New York are further along right now).”

As the hour advanced, ambivalence reared its head- keep talking, or go home?  Finally, the conveners from Peace and Justice wisely declared that we should rest well and get active tomorrow!

Half (or more) of this enthusiastic crowd went home with “Healthcare 4 All Maine” buttons on their shirts, 19 new people signed up with Maine AllCare (3 others signed, but were already in the MAC data base!) and 5 indicated that they would like to join a local chapter. Chapters provide support and motivation for specific actions such as letter writing, legislator and personal contacts. Maine AllCare will work with interested folks to get an area chapter started to build momentum and action.   ONWARD!!

If you would like to organize a screening of FIX IT, an exceptional documentary about what business owners can do to reform health care – make it universal, simple and less costly, please email us at We’ll be glad to help, including providing speakers to facilitate an informed discussion.

Submitted by William Clark MD