Maine Letters and Opinion

LTE: Speaking out on health care

A handful of small stickers in red, white, and blue that say "I Voted" scattered across a white surface.
Published by the Ellsworth American, Nov. 16: Absent from most reporting of Nov. 7 election results, which focused on the eight state referendums, was the outcome of Penobscot’s town referendum on health care. The resolution . . . read more »

Medicare for each of us in the age of the coronavirus

The U.S. public—and increasingly the business community—are becoming acutely aware of the rising costs and inadequacies of our current for-profit system, particularly as the current epidemic unfolds. There is no other choice but Medicare for . . . read more »

Mainers Deserve a Liferaft

This essay by Dr. Bill Clark appeared in the November 24, 2017 issue of The Times Record, Brunswick, Maine: Mainers Deserve a Liferaft BY BILL CLARK Maine AllCare is a non-partisan, not-for-profit group that . . . read more »