Americans pay more for health care per capita than any other country in the world, and by a wide margin. Like it or not, Medicare for all may be the only solution.

In this Special to the Press Herald, insurance broker Jim O’Connor writes: “Now in my 41st year working as a broker handling group health insurance plans, the current rate increases are collectively the worst I’ve ever seen.”

He believes that the insurance market is in a “death spiral”.  He notes that a 15% increase “typically adds an additional $3,000 to $4,000 to a family’s annual health insurance premium. Many people can’t afford that, and neither can employers.”

He goes on: “In terms of fixing things, there are two predominant arguments. One is “Medicare for all” and the other “doesn’t want the government involved in their health care.”  Without taking sides on that debate, in an effort to not anger anyone, I can tell you that what we are doing now is destined to fail, collapse, implode. And when that happens who can step in, i.e., pay for, the care people need? I believe the only answer will be the federal government, and, like it or not, it will be Medicare for all.”

Please read the article in its entirety (along with some excellent comments) HERE.