One of the arguments often heard against universal healthcare in America is that it would restrict our freedom and choice. But how much freedom, and what real choices, do we have in our current healthcare . . . read more »
Life during a Pandemic We want to thank all of the nurses, doctors, healthcare workers, public health experts, and scientists for rising to the occasion in these extraordinary times. There are no words to adequately . . . read more »
Bangor Maine AllCare Minutes 9-8-18 Bagel Central Bangor Attendees: Nate Shea, Jeff Graham, Geoff Gratwick, Norma Fortin, Andrew Santo, Mary Tedesco-Schneck- -Discussed other possible meeting times during the week. Mary will create a Survey Monkey . . . read more »
BIG PHARMA: MARKET FAILURE, a film with discussion to follow, Monday, December 4, 6:30 – 8:45 at the Curtis Library, 23 Pleasant Street, Brunswick, sponsored by the Brunswick Chapter of Maine AllCare. A panel, including . . . read more »