These are uncertain times for the future of health care. We need your support now more than ever.
We can expect attempts by the new administration and Congress to roll back portions of the Affordable Care Act and more privatization of Medicare through Medicare Advantage plans. We should not be surprised to see more services being discontinued and hospitals struggling to stay open.
Our vision is for a healthcare system where everyone contributes to a national or statewide system and gets the care they need. The details about how to do that can be mind-boggling, but the idea is very straightforward and affordable.
This year, with partial funding from Maine Health Access Foundation, we commissioned the Maine Center for Economic Policy to update the fiscal analysis they first did in 2019 to assess the feasibility of a universal system for the state. Just as we learned five years ago, a plan that covers all Maine residents with good benefits and very low out of pocket cost is indeed achievable for about the same amount we now collectively pay!