Green and blue logo on white background that says Maine AllCare and text underneath that reads Dedicated to universal, high-quality and affordable health care for the people of Maine.

January 2025

Maine AllCare News

Affordable & Comprehensive Healthcare for All Mainers

Maine AllCare has unveiled its proposal for the All Maine Health Program (AMHP), outlining a publicly funded health care plan designed to benefit all Maine residents.

“Our current health care system is complicated and inefficient, costs too much, and leaves many uninsured or unable to get the care they need,” said Dr. Daniel Bryant, a member of the Maine AllCare Policy Committee. “If adopted, the All Maine Health Program would go a long way toward correcting these problems.”

Developed after extensive review of other similar proposals across the country, the AMHP proposes a publicly funded, privately provided healthcare system that ensures affordable, comprehensive, and equitable healthcare for all Maine residents.

Key features of the AMHP include:

Coverage for all necessary care, incl. dental, vision, hearing, mental health, chemical dependency treatment, prescription drugs, medical equipment & supplies, and hospital & home care.

Patient choice of healthcare practitioners and facilities and efforts to increase the professional workforce for timely access to care.

Reduction of individual healthcare costs for most by cutting administrative bureaucracy, not by restricting or denying care.

A simplified funding and payment system with adequate and timely negotiated payments to care providers.

Premiums based on the ability to pay and elimination of cost-sharing.

Maine AllCare is meeting with legislators to propose the AMHP as legislation and to study its financial implications. Stay tuned for an update on our financial analyses and how you can support our legislative efforts.

Avoiding Private Equity Takeover of Maine Hospitals

Dr. Geoff Gratwick, former state senator and former board member of Maine AllCare, has formed a work group to study the ways to avoid private equity takeover of hospitals in Maine. His concern about the role of private equity in healthcare has been heightened by the recent experience in Massachusetts with Steward Healthcare.

Recent research, including a Harvard Medical School study and a U.S. Senate Budget Committee bipartisan report, reveal persistent problems in hospitals controlled by private equity, including underinvestment, understaffing, and worse patient care experience.

“Our patients and our communities suffer when private equity becomes involved in health care,” said Dr. Gratwick. “We hope to identify other ways to help our struggling health systems here in Maine.”

Stay tuned for how you can support our legislative efforts.

What We’re Reading

Local News

National News

Your Voices

Last year, our writing team helped inspire dozens of letters to the editors and op-eds in Maine newspapers supporting publicly funded universal health care.

Read more of these letters on our website, and email us at if you’d like support in writing your own!

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Our latest letters include:

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Clynk is a simple way to support Maine AllCare’s work—just fill up a Clynk bag with your returnable bottles and cans, put on a MAC sticker, and drop them off at a nearby Hannaford store.

Clynk bags are available at participating Hannaford stores for a small fee. To get MAC stickers, contact us and we’ll put them in the mail to you.

Please Donate to support our efforts to bring health care to ALL Mainers!

Our Mission

Maine AllCare promotes the establishment of publicly funded health care coverage for all Maine residents.

This system must be efficient, financially sound, politically sustainable, and must provide benefits fairly distributed to all.

We advocate that health care, a basic necessity, be treated as a public good, since it is fundamental to our well-being as individuals and as a democratic nation.

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